NJ Ecohabitat

Strategic Location

Access to major International and domestic markets.
Located on the west coast of India and connected to major ports of UK, Middle East, Africa, East Asia and Australia. 1,500 km coast line - the longest in India, offers numerous opportunities for port based industries. Gateway to Iand locked states in India.

Strong Economy

Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP): INR 3,372 billion (US$ 75 billion)
Population: 51 million
Urbanisation: 37.4%


Highly industrialized state, with 38% of GDP contributed by secondary sector
Sustained investor confidence, state with the one of the highest number of investment proposals in India.
Around 22% of India exports contributed by Gujarat.
An economy on the boom and beating recession, GSDP growth of more than 10% since 2004.
Per Capita Income at current prices (2007-08): R49,251 (US$ 985) National Average: R40,141 (US$ 802)
Industrial Growth Rate (2004-08): 13.7%